I FEEL GOOD (10-2-15)

French sucks. It’s definitely one of the more challenging languages I have attempted to learn. It’s so similar to Spanish in some respects that I persistently try and weave Spanish words in when I draw blanks. Nonetheless, with limited time to study it can get quite frustrating when teachers ask you questions and you can only respond with a blank stare. This is quickly followed by “Did you not study, Jacob?” I’m not going to lie to you readers; I’ve had my doubts. The most extreme being dropping out and flying home, but the more realistic being to just fake sick for a morning to knock out a round of laundry and have a few hours of study time. But, I’m too chicken to do either, haha.

Right now I’m still roughing it out. Sometimes that 50 minute walk home helps as I can vent to myself and friends about language struggles and frustrations.

Getting back to topic. These thoughts/bad days happen fairly frequently but as I walk home I remember where I am and the good I can and will be doing soon. Lately, when I get about 30 yards from my house I have been greeted by a parade of children (Rick and his friends) waiting for me outside the house or in the street, excited to see me and walk me back.

However, this piece isn’t necessarily about them nor I. It’s really about Yannick, my 31-year-old homestay brother. Yannick comes around from time to time, always eager to sit and talk to me, a time when he gets to practice his English and I my French. After one of our many music exchanges, he excused himself from the dinner table to go shower. As my thoughts slowly drift back to the negative/frustrated thoughts that cloud my mind, they are quickly put to a halt by a loud trumpeting voice. I look up and see and hear Yannick singing “I FEEL GOOD” using his soap as a mic and bucket as a mic stand. It was in this instant that I stopped my homework, put down my pen, and listened and hummed along from the couch as he continued the song throughout the duration of his shower.

It’s the simple and random joys of life that really keep me going through training.

Thanks Yannick!


Continue reading for more on Yannick

One thought on “I FEEL GOOD (10-2-15)

  1. Jacob, Hang in there, Dude! I admire your moxey & commitment. You are being prayed for.

    Thank God for Yannik & the children who appreciate you.



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